PETA is using donations given to them under the mistaken belief that the organization will use those donations to save lives to have healthy cats and kittens poisoned, instead. Among the dead are unweaned neonatal kittens, six week old kittens with no health problems, eight week old kittens, four month old kittens, seven month old juveniles, one year old juveniles, and healthy adult cats. They were listed as having no illness or injuries or in good health. Some of them were killed within minutes.
For kittens rounded up by PETA and killed at the Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter, click here.
For kittens rounded up by PETA and killed at the Virginia Beach Animal Shelter, click here.
For kittens rounded up by PETA and killed at the Suffolk City VA pound, click here.
For kittens killed at the Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter, click here.
Updated for 2018: For kittens killed at the Norfolk, VA, pound, click here.